BSides Buffalo 2023 Sponsorship

We’ve updated the sponsorship packet for next year’s event – you can download a copy at the link at the bottom of this post.

A few changes since the 2022 event:

  • There is now a sponsor track, which will run concurrently with the other speaking tracks. Any Gold Sponsor who is interested will be able to present a talk on their product, with the details and schedule printed in the conference program.
  • Attendees will be able to submit a resume in exchange for a free ticket – copies of these resumes will be given to the event sponsors for use in hiring and recruitment.
  • We’ll be expanding the “community group” area to provide more space for nonprofits and other groups looking to build up the local technology community.

Like 2022, we will have multiple talk tracks (including our “hacking is art” track on creative uses for free and open software), t-shirts, stickers, swag, lunch, and general shenanigans. It’s going to be a great day!

Click here for the sponsorship packet, and feel free to email with any questions.

Sponsorship Packet Download

BSides Buffalo 2023

Good news, everybody! We’ve confirmed with Canisius College that we can come back on June 3, 2023. The sponsorship packet is being updated right now, and we should be ready to start planning soon. Watch this space for more information, and as always, feel free to reach out to if you’d like to volunteer or be involved!


There are several available parking lots for the event on June 4 – fortunately, we are the only event happening on campus that day so there should be plenty of spaces to choose from.

The event is in Science Hall, at the corner of Main and Jefferson. The building is marked as N on this map. The closest parking lots are 14, 15, 17, and 19 — the parking garage marked as 16 is being demolished and is not available.

There is also street parking available along Main Street and throughout the surrounding neighborhood. If you choose to park in the street, please be aware of driveways, crosswalks, fire hydrants, and the like, I’d hate for anyone to get a ticket.

Registration will be at the Main Street entrance, right by the large statue of a griffin in front of Science Hall.

See you there!

Tickets Now Available!

Tickets for the inaugural BSides Buffalo are now available on Eventbrite! Tickets are $20, which includes all-day admission, a conference t-shirt, lunch, and whatever other swag we come up with.


If you’re interested in volunteering to help keep things running smoothly the day of the conference, please reach out to and you’ll get a free ticket in exchange for your help!

Sponsorship Information Available

Sponsorship information is now available for BSides Buffalo 2022! If you’re interested in supporting Buffalo’s first BSides event, please reach out to and let us know.

There are three tiers of general sponsorship (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) along with a variety of other one-off sponsorships available. And please, if you have something in mind that’s not listed, let’s talk about it!

For more information, CLICK HERE.

BSides Buffalo, Coming 2022

We are excited to announce that the first BSides conference here in Buffalo will be coming to Canisius College on June 4, 2022!

What is a BSides Conference?
The first BSides conference, BSides Las Vegas, was held in 2009. Since then, BSides has become a framework for a loosely affiliated group of information security conferences all over the world. It’s a place for people who are interested in or curious about technology and hacking to get together, make connections, share information, and make our local community stronger.

More information is available on the official Security BSides web page.

How can I get involved?
A good first step would be to follow us on Twitter for news and updates. DMs are open — feel free to reach out and say you want to help. Or, if you prefer, email info[at] and it will go straight to the event planning team. This is a volunteer effort, we’ll certainly find something for you to do. And watch this space! Updates will be posted here for things like the Call For Papers (CFP) or ticket sales.